Load-balancing mariadb with ProxySQL
Norbert Takács
Date Published
Running a single instance of a database is easy but it does not provide high availability. From the applications standpoint we don't want to manage multiple databases and mange their roles. Running a single instance also becomes hard to scale horizontally after a point, you can t just keep adding RAM and CPU.
Therefore using multiple databases is advised. This is where proxySQL comes in handy. Since proxySQL balances the databases and can manage routing to read/write replicas.
As a service proxySQL runs as a single or multiple instances and connects straight to your backend databases. There are a few users we have to setup to be able to pass data through the proxy service.
Example deployment below
1apiVersion: apps/v12kind: Deployment3metadata:4 name: proxysql5 labels:6 app.kubernetes.io/name: proxysql7 app.kubernetes.io/part-of: authentication8spec:9 selector:10 matchLabels:11 app.kubernetes.io/name: proxysql12 strategy:13 type: RollingUpdate14 template:15 metadata:16 labels:17 app.kubernetes.io/name: proxysql18 spec:19 serviceAccountName: proxysql20 containers:21 - image: proxysql/proxysql22 name: proxysql23 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent24 resources:25 limits:26 memory: 200Mi27 requests:28 cpu: 100m29 memory: 100Mi30 ports:31 - containerPort: 603332 name: proxysql-mysql33 - containerPort: 603234 name: proxysql-admin35 - containerPort: 607036 name: proxysql-metric37 - containerPort: 608038 name: proxysql-web39 env:40 - name: PROXYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD41 valueFrom:42 secretKeyRef:43 name: proxysql-admin-password44 key: proxysql-admin-password45 - name: PROXYSQL_STATS_PASSWORD46 valueFrom:47 secretKeyRef:48 name: proxysql-stats-password49 key: proxysql-stats-password50 - name: MYSQL_MONITOR_PASSWORD51 valueFrom:52 secretKeyRef:53 name: mysql-monitor-password54 key: mysql-monitor-password55 - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD56 valueFrom:57 secretKeyRef:58 name: mysql-password59 key: mysql-password60 envFrom:61 - configMapRef:62 name: proxysql-config63 securityContext:64 capabilities:65 drop:66 - ALL67 runAsNonRoot: true68 runAsUser: 600169 allowPrivilegeEscalation: false70 seccompProfile:71 type: RuntimeDefault
Upon starting the service for the first time a config file is generated based on the ENV variables. Inspect the configuration file located in: `/etc/proxysql.cnf` and you will see the that user:password pairs have been created. These users are used in the following way:
admin_credentials: padmin - used for logging into proxySQL mysql
stats_credentials: sadmin - used for viewing the stats on the SSL https://localhost:6080 address
There are some users that have to be created manually, or should already exist as:
root - default user on mariadb
Shared users - These users have to be setup on both proxySQL and Mariadb with MATCHING CREDENTIALS !!!
monitor_user - used for monitoring the database, this user is set as an ENV variable, and has to be created in the backend databases.
mysql_users - these are the users which will be able to access the backend databases through proxysql. They have to be created in both systems. In proxysql you have to create them as part of the proxysql.cnf or as ENV variables. In the backend system they have to be created.
ProxySQL runs its own SQL database
Use the mysql-client package using mysql to connect
1LOAD ADMIN VARIABLES TO RUNTIME;2SAVE ADMIN VARIABLES TO DISK;345Table: mysql_group_replication_hostgroup6writer_hostgroup - will contain all the responsible writer hosts7backup_writer_hostgroup - used for failover scenarios, as hot spares8reader_hostgroup - will contain all the responsible writer hosts9offline_hostgroup - intentionally marked and taken offline10active - is currently active or inactive, active=1 is active, 0 is inactive, useful to take servers out of service11max_writers - defines how many nodes can act as writers12writer_is_also_reader - sets so the readers can also be used for writing13max_transacitons_behind - sets how many transactions behind before we mark the node is considered unhealthy14
1mysql -u padmin -h -P 6032 -p
1mysql -h aalrdsstack-rds-databse.url -u aaladmin --skip-ssl -pReader mysql -h we --skip-ssl -u aaladmin -p
proxySQL Check backends
1SELECT * FROM mysql_servers;2## Create monitoring3MYSQL users CREATE USER 'proxysql'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxx';GRANT SELECT on sys.* to 'proxysql'@'%';4GRANT SELECT on performance_schema.* to 'proxysql'@'%';5GRANT USAGE, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'proxysql'@'%';6FLUSH PRIVILEGES;7## Create user for accessing the data8CREATE USER 'proxyadmin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password123';9GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER, INDEX, CREATE VIEW, SHOW VIEW, TRIGGER ON metrics.* TO 'proxyadmin'@'%';10CREATE DATABASE metrics;11
Needed to only setup on the writer, since the reader is a replica in my AWS RDS case and the user got replicated.
Need to setup proxySQL to constantly monitor the health of the serversProxySQL stats page is accessible on 6080 and accessing it over HTTPS as https://localhost:6080
to test we can run the following:
1mysql -h proxysql -P6033 --skip-ssl -u proxyadmin -p -e "SELECT @@hostname"

1admin_variables=2{3 admin_credentials="padmin:password"4 stats_credentials="sadmin:password"5 mysql_ifaces=""6 refresh_interval=20007 web_enabled=true8 restapi_enabled=true9 restapi_port=607010}11mysql_variables=12{13 threads=414 max_connections=204815 default_query_delay=016 default_query_timeout=3600000017 have_compress=true18 poll_timeout=200019 interfaces=";/tmp/proxysql.sock"20 default_schema="information_schema"21 stacksize=104857622 server_version="8.0.17"23 connect_timeout_server=1000024 monitor_history=6000025 monitor_connect_interval=20000026 monitor_ping_interval=20000027 ping_interval_server_msec=1000028 ping_timeout_server=20029 commands_stats=true30 sessions_sort=true31 monitor_username="proxysql"32 monitor_password="password"33}34mysql_replication_hostgroups =35(36 { writer_hostgroup=10, reader_hostgroup=20, comment="MySQL Replication 8.0" }37)38mysql_servers =39(40 { address="hostname1" , port=3306 , hostgroup=10, max_connections=100 },41 { address="hostname2" , port=3306 , hostgroup=20, max_connections=100 }42)43mysql_users =44(45 { username = "mysql_user" , password = "password" , default_hostgroup = 10 , active = 1 }46)47mysql_query_rules =48(49{50 rule_id=10051 active=152 match_pattern="^SELECT .* FOR UPDATE"53 destination_hostgroup=1054 apply=155},56{57 rule_id=20058 active=159 match_pattern="^SELECT .*"60 destination_hostgroup=1061 apply=162},63{64 rule_id=30065 active=166 match_pattern=".*"67 destination_hostgroup=1068 apply=169}
Add a user for mysqld-exporter which we will use in prometheus